Super Tankers, also known as Tank Stars, is a thrilling tank battle game that offers intense 2D tank warfare with a unique twist of tank merging. In this game, you command powerful tanks and engage in explosive battles against opponents, either online with friends or offline against AI foes. Your objective is to find the perfect shooting angle and fire at your enemy's tank before they get the chance to do the same to you. What makes Super Tankers stand out is its tank merging mechanic, allowing you to upgrade your tanks by merging tanks of the same level. This adds a layer of strategy to the game, as you must choose which tanks to merge to create more powerful war machines. It's a race to create the strongest tank and dominate the battlefield. Super Tankers features a variety of tanks, each with its unique abilities and weapons, providing different playstyles and strategies. As you progress, you can unlock more tanks and experiment with different combinations to create the ultimate tank army. The game offers a dynamic and challenging experience, combining action, strategy, and tank warfare.
Super Tankers
description Description
Super Tankers, also known as Tank Stars, is a thrilling tank battle game that offers intense 2D tank warfare with a unique twist of tank merging. In this game, you command powerful tanks and engage in explosive battles against opponents, either online with friends or offline against AI foes. Your objective is to find the perfect shooting angle and fire at your enemy's tank before they get the chance to do the same to you. What makes Super Tankers stand out is its tank merging mechanic, allowing you to upgrade your tanks by merging tanks of the same level. This adds a layer of strategy to the game, as you must choose which tanks to merge to create more powerful war machines. It's a race to create the strongest tank and dominate the battlefield. Super Tankers features a variety of tanks, each with its unique abilities and weapons, providing different playstyles and strategies. As you progress, you can unlock more tanks and experiment with different combinations to create the ultimate tank army. The game offers a dynamic and challenging experience, combining action, strategy, and tank warfare.
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Super Tankers
Draw Defence Draw Defence Blitz Slices Blitz Slices Toy Go Toy Go Weightlifting Beauty Weightlifting Beauty Cube Tower Cube Tower Domino Battle Domino Battle Mahjong 3D Mahjong 3D Bicycle Stunt Race Bicycle Stunt Race Mini Golf Master Mini Golf Master Jumping Girl Jumping Girl Fieldrunners TD Fieldrunners TD Neon Biker Neon Biker Pet Crush Pet Crush 3D Rubik 3D Rubik Giant Hamster Run Giant Hamster Run Horse Run Horse Run Draw Bridge Draw Bridge Pinball Legends Pinball Legends Super Buddy Run2 Super Buddy Run2 Rabbit Samurai 2 Rabbit Samurai 2 Sheep Sheep Sheep Sheep Wood Turning 3D Wood Turning 3D Storage Master Storage Master Happy Go Happy Go Pertempuran DOMINO Pertempuran DOMINO Fly Cutter Fly Cutter Popping Stars Popping Stars Death Driver Death Driver Reversi Reversi Park Your Car Park Your Car StackyZoo StackyZoo TilesofEgypt TilesofEgypt StackBounce StackBounce PaperFoldMaster PaperFoldMaster JewelLegend JewelLegend BeeConnect BeeConnect SurfboardRace SurfboardRace PopsicleStack PopsicleStack FlipChamps FlipChamps EyeArt EyeArt BeautyFantasy BeautyFantasy RoofJumpingPlay RoofJumpingPlay Pencil Rush Online Pencil Rush Online NumberSort NumberSort FiveHoops FiveHoops BlocksPuzzle BlocksPuzzle